Colonies Appearance

E. coli
blue with ou without
blue halo

Other Enterobacteriaceae
pink to red
«The Enterobacteriaceae and coliform bacteria within this family represent two of the most common groups of indicator organism used by the food industry. In some countries, depending on regulatory requirements, the food industry has moved towards testing for Enterobacteriaceae.» ILSI Europe (International Life Sciences Institute)
The ISO 21528 specifies a method for the enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae, applicable to products intended for human consumption, feeding of animals, and environmental samples using VRBG as culture medium.
CHROMagar™, in collaboration with Dr. Marco Agosti, has developped a medium that drastically reduces the workload of the laboratory compared to the very labour intense traditional VRBG.
1. Easy differentiation between E. coli and other Enterobacteriaceae: Unlike with VRBG, with CHROMagar™ Enterobacteria you can easily differentiate E. coli from the rest of Enterobacteriaceae by the colour.
2. Easy reading: The intense colored colonies on a clear agar background facilitate the reading, contrary to VRBG where the smoked background allows little contrast.
3. High sensitivity and specificity leading to a higher detection rate of Enterobacteriaceae.
- Senstivity : 100 % *
- Specificity : 100 % *
* Specificity and sensitivity from scientific study: "Validation of an alternative method of Analysis for the ISO 21528" Laboratoire de Tourraine, 2018.